Featured Dancer

This week’s featured dancer is Avery Bailey!

We asked Avery some questions this week to get to know what makes her such a dedicated dancer! 

What styles of dance are your favorite? Ballet, Tap, Jazz, and Lyrical 

What styles of dance inspire you most? I have been super inspired by ballet. The style creates a picture and it is so fun to dance in the ballet style. 

What is your most memorable or proudest moment of dance so far? The most memorable moments have been when I was apart of performance club for 2 years and the competition team. I made some of the best memories. 

Are there any choreographers or dancers you admire or look up to? I look up to Ms. Brittany. She has helped me so much with my skills in dance. I am forever thankful for her help that she has provided over the years. 

What was your favorite dance routine you’ve performed so far? My favorite dance routine I have done was choreographed by Amber Ory. The dance was the first version of “Change is Gonna Come”. That dance is super special and amazing. 

Thank you for answering our questions and for being an inspirational role model for everyone at Studio Fusion, Avery!